Quote Series

This quote series is an on-going Photoshop and Illustrator heavy project, where I learn new techniques and methods I can apply towards refining my art and design style.

For what other reason do humans create?

Forms of tangible expression.

To hold on to all that hurts and haunts us only hinders us.

To heal means to hope.

In the meantime though, I’m allowing myself the space to be.

Feel Free.

Recreate Me.

I first came across this quote in a mural while at a shopping mall when I was really young.

I’m not sure why, but it became ingrained in my brain.

Maybe it’s what jump-started my love for words and love notes, rhymes and riddles, or even poems.

Letters and word play.


Perfectionism is, in my honest opinion, our innate desire to connect with whatever is divine, holy, sacred, perfect, complete, or whole.

Struggling to attain it because it will never be reached, at least in this lifetime.

Stopping ourselves from ever advancing or creating for fear of “never being good enough”.

But being flawed is quite humbling.

It makes us relatable.

Don’t strive for perfection, just progress; and don’t compare yourself to others along the way.




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