MGMcedes Designs

Change. Growth. Love.

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Creating for the Collective;
and the Collector

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Keeping Current with Both Professional and Personal Matters, Matters.

Everyday Is A Good Day When You Paint

We Roll Hard in the Paint

Partnering with local venues is a great way to bring you out for a fresh, fun, and memorable experience with your family and friends. Order a bite, sip on some booze, pick up a brush, and let loose with me at the next Paint Nite.

Don’t Be Socially Awkward.

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What People are Saying


I am so glad I found Cedes. She was so knowledgeable and she went above and beyond what I ever expected. I am keeping her on speed dial. I will continue to work with her. So over satisfied

Posted by ArRicca Spann on Friday, February 12, 2021

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